Strength in Habits

Athlete Spotlight: Alain Rechel Narvacan
Strength in Habits
By Coach Drew Hernandez

Back in October, I had the opportunity to start to work with one of Reason’s supermoms.

In our first sit down we laid out what we wanted out of this new journey. We went over what all our steps were going to look like. Food, training, mindset, and lifestyle! When we started to collaborate on options for our first steps I started to sense a sound of reservation and timidness in her voice.

We went down the rabbit hole of things that she had tried in the past.

Things that she didn’t want to give up, things that she didn’t enjoy. And the biggest priorities in her life.

There was some doubt in the air and she would ask “eating this much won’t get me fat, right ?”. I assured her that it wouldn’t and to “trust OUR process”. One night she called me saying she had gone crazy on a bag of Oreos. I called her right away and said “you okay ?” she responded that she felt guilty about it. Once we spoke about the reasons why it was okay this happened and good that this happened it allowed us to see what trend-led up to this. What triggered this binge.

These 3 things were holding her back

❌Inconsistency in her weekend nutrition
❌Frustration and lack of confidence with “heavier” weights

Today, I see a strong confident woman who is leading a charge on what it means to love ourselves and lead by example.

Alain has shown when she has control over things within her control – she has then true freedom.

We found triggers in her life, and how to respond and overcome them.

✅CONFIDENT in her week and weekend nutrition choices
✅RESILIENT in her mindset and trusting the process 
✅STRONGER in her fitness journey

Alain has learned to eat in a way that better serves her life. She was never put on a “diet”. She was not told what she could or could not eat. She learned to trust herself in making the better decision for herself, day today.

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