Hi Friends.
We will be doing a workout to honor a friend of mine that took his life a few weeks ago. Eric LeClair was a passionate and polarizing leader in the CrossFit community for the past decade. Over the years he battled with his mental health and unfortunately it came to a point where he could not deal with it anymore.
To hear more about the workout: https://www.loom.com/share/899a3ddfca804c43b59a19353486024e
To support his family: https://www.gofundme.com/f/eric-leclair-memorial-fund?fbclid=IwAR29lxdKBH_gM0k0SsWJMXtJZpbbi_2KcN4bwG5RcqpPfYJbzEsbVNbbedM
We will have a new episode on mental health and why it matters in regards to your overall health to kick off the Finding Reason Podcast in 2022.