Athlete Bright Spot: Vinny Martinez
Finding Our Inner Champion
By Coach Drew Hernandez
I wanted to give a huge shout-out to Vinny. Vinny and I started together last summer. We went over his nutrition history and how he is an amateur Mix Martial Arts fighter. He told me how he tried keto and tried the low carb and high protein trend, but nothing really worked. He had some temporary success but it seemed to have always found its way back. He expected CrossFit to be super intense and based a good training day on how heavy and hard you push.
We sat down and laid out his goals and things he wanted to accomplish. His goals were simple, drop the body fat…
We broke down his smaller goals and we started to look at things that were very hard to track, like his energy levels, mood and recovery. We made the agreement of transparency that we do not lie to each other. My only goal for him is so that he can be successful. Ups and downs came from how his body changed. But he continued to keep his eyes on his goal and let his foot off the gas.
Vinny started at around 22% body fat now sitting at 16% and he started at 102lbs of skeletal muscle mass and now is sitting at 114.6lbs‼️
Before Vinny had:
🚫Fixed food mindset
🚫Expectations on training
🚫No blueprint
✅Confidence what food he needs
✅Knows it’s okay to dial back and when to push
✅Has small goals to chip at his big goal
Vinny is still in his journey of reaching his full potential in this time of his life. I am so thankful to be able to help guide him through this path and to be in his corner. We stay winning over here ‼️‼️